
englishOn June 1st it was International Children’s Day, so I decided to ask some children from Davle Primary School to answer one simple question: ‘What’s so great about children?’ I hope you enjoy reading the answers as much as me.
Andrew Farrow


The great thing about children is that they grow up slowly and their parents feel proud that they have such a great child.

It's great for kids to have imagination.

When children are angry and parents love them just as much.

We can make parents happy.

When they laugh, they make a picture that you like or do what they enjoy and it puts a smile on your face. But I don't know any children who would never make you angry. That's why I think it's up to us to be great.
Children are like books. The book jacket reveals very little about them because their whole soul is hidden inside. People around them are writing on the pages. They must be very careful, because any tearing of the page or ink stain can change whole story. Eventually, their lives become drama, grotesque or entire novels. But every book is unique.
Children are very funny and when are so little, they don't compare with any other children.

1. They don't worry and are happy
2. They don't have trouble
3. They are able to play
4. They always have time for friends
5. They can be naughty (sometimes)

The best thing about being a kid is that you can do crappy things and still not go to jail.

Children are often cute!

Smile kids!

The great thing about children is that they exist in the first place...

They are funny and they aren´t so boring like adults.

I think the great thing about children is every time they tell the truth and don´t worry about it.

Children do not have to go to work and they are more active than adults.

In some cases the children return to their parents.

Children are honest and you have fun with them.

They are friends together and it is funny with them. They are sometimes nice and their parents can also play a card game with them. When they go to school, their parents have peace of mind.

Children are the great happiness of parents.
Children carry the DNA of their parents.
Children are the continuation of the tree of life.

Parents will have a lot of fun with their children. Thanks to children parents can see new things that they do not notice themselves.

Children can play. Children don´t have to worry. Children don´t have to go to work. Children don´t have to pay taxes. Children make their parents happy.

Children give joy.

Children are our future, so I think taking care of children is the basis for a better future.

Children have more fantasy.
Children have much more energy than adults.

Little kids are cute. I like them.

Children are carefree and happy.

Kids make parents better, they don´t let them waste away!

Children are happy and positive.

The best thing about being a child is that we have no worries.We do not solve any nonsene and problems. We just can play games.

Children are kind and sincere and cheerful.
Little kids are cute and mom and dad don’t get too angry.
When they are bigger, they are angrier.
When they are even bigger, it’s terrible with them…
But their parents still love them very much.

Children have silly questions when they are small but only when they grow up, they will realize it.

Children are nice and sometimes naughty.

Birth of children is for dad and mum a beautiful experience.
When children are interesting.
Children can please somebody and anger them.

Kids are great because they are creative and like trying new things.

Children just can play games and they don’t care about time and anything else. For children is the world simple, even if they don’t see it or understand.

Children don't have responsibilities.

Children like to play with toys.

Children do not go to work and can spend a lot of time with their friends.

Each newborn baby is an open and empty book and makes the same mistakes as everybody. Our parents and teachers are our writers. They can influence how good and interesting this book will be. The future is open and unsure. And it’s okay.

Children are playful.

Children are cute.
Children do silly things.

Children are beautiful and funny. Children study at school. Sometimes they are naughty and little nerves for their parents.

Children are the treasures of parents.

Children are immediate, honest and playful.

Parents would be bored without children. Children always surprise their parents.

Parents love their children even if they are angry. It’s always funny with them.

Children are beginning to become teenagers and are beginning to grow.

The great thing about kids is that they don't spoil any fun.

Kids are awesome when they are playing every time and do school correctly. I think kids are best when they don’t have to work like parents.

It’s great for kids to play sports.

It's great for kids to learn fast.

Children are not fake.
Children are friendly.
Children are cute.
Children are playful.
Children love to discover.

Children are funny.
Children make parents proud.
Little kids are always crying and bigger kids are always hungry.

What is great about children is they are playing together. They are good for us. They talk with us and they help with housework.

It’s wonderful that kids make parents happy.

Children are great at playing games.
They can be angry too.
They are great to learning.

Children are very funny.

The best thing about children is that they are cheerfully playful and can make you laugh.

They love their parents.

Children can make their parent‘s laugh and happy.

Children are unpredictable.

Children are great because they are small, cute and happy.
Small children tell always the truth.
Children like playing games.

Children have a big fantasy. They are so happy. They go to school and parents get time. They can make you laugh when you are sad. With children you are never alone. They paint pictures for you. They are great!

Small children always tell the truth and they are honest.
They are cute.
They have fantasy and they play nicely.
They are inquisitive.
Children often laugh.

The sincerity of children is great.

It is great that kids think positively.

Children imagine the world very simply.

Children are our descendants.
You are a child under 18 years old.
We are creative.
Children help parents.
Children like to play.

They are funnier than adults.

Little children are honest.

Children grow very fast. They don´t want to go to bed in the evening.

Children make their parents happy.

They don’t have worries.
They can eat lots of candies.

Children offer smiles.
Children like playing.
Children have a lot of energy.


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